Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Run For The Wall 2008

The time is here. Tomorrow is May 7th, 2008. We are packed and ready. Departure is tomorrow morning. I plan to be pulling out of my driveway around 7:00 a.m. on a 4 week adventure on my motorcycle.

For background on what I am doing see Run For The Wall

I am leaving with 'Santa' Chuck Boyd, 'Doc' Donnie Mixon headed for California. We have planned a 5 day trip out to the start of the 'Run' in the Los Angeles area.

Then on May 14th we head out across country to Washington, D.C.

Hopefully, I will be able to update this blog as I go along.

.....and life goes on

Well, I just got back from burying my Mother. What a fantastic lady. One day short of her 88th birthday.

To see her obituary:

The positive sides:

I was a great celebration of a wonderful woman, filled with many memories from so many who had been touched by her service to mankind.

It was a great time of reunion of family and friends. I saw friends and relatives I had not seen in 50 years. We only wished we could have had more time together.

Many pictures taken, many memories to build upon for the future.